星期三, 9月 07, 2011



5 則留言:

  1. 我覺得使節的駐在國政情報告,只能用『人類學』田野式的參與觀察,吃飯談天的專題密報,或與主管(如小英主席)的會談,出來的東西,是密報者或會談者,要(使節)相信的東西,也是種誘導而已。


  2. 好玩的是在蘇謝都對小英領導質疑時,美國的評論是:
    ¶7. (C) A clean and efficient professional, Tsai Ing-wen will definitely burnish the DPP’s image and most probably improve its performance. According to DPP polling, public support for the party fell to 18 percent following the Papua New Guinea diplomatic scandal (reftel), but the party should now begin to recover. Tsai is a relative outsider to DPP politics, which could be an asset so long as she can maintain neutrality. The party chairperson’s leadership role is limited as the CSC generally makes important party decisions on a group basis following jockeying and compromise between the various factions. One of Tsai’s important goals will be for the DPP to make a solid showing in the December 2009 local elections. If the DPP does worse than anticipated, however, she would be expected to resign at that time.
    ¶10. (C) Tsai has a strong background as an academic and an
    appointed government official, and winning elective office
    next year would help further solidify her support within theDPP by enhancing her credibility. For now, Tsai is more than holding her own against the four party heavyweights and is carving herself a promising path on the leadership trail. Should she run for mayor next year in Taipei and win, she would almost assuredly be considered a possible DPP candidate for president in 2012, when the currently embattled President Ma is up for reelection.
    ¶12. (C) Thoughtful and a strong manager, Tsai has identified several weaknesses in the party structure and may well be able over time to strengthen the effectiveness of the DPP. Tsai’s moderate and soft spoken personality, as well as her academic and professional qualifications, will appeal to those in the center of Taiwan’s political spectrum in a way that more strident DPP politicians do not. Her low-key personality may also disarm her competitors, who would do well not to underestimate Tsai.


  3. 做人處世還是要門裡門外言行一致才安全,小英就很安全啊!哈哈!美國自己有觀察,對小英評價高。他們不是都聽爆料的,這下子,愛講小話的,可糗大了啊!

  4. 維基揭密幫忙創造一個專屬台灣的政治指數:2100捉狂指數!哈哈!

    摘錄自黑雨網頁:在經濟學裡面,有所謂的「星巴克指數」跟「麥當勞指數」,可用來間接衡量各國或各地的經濟狀況。同樣的,在台灣,TVBS 2100 最近這兩次由主持人所飆罵的「廢話!」,其實也可以視為一個「2100『廢話』指數」,代表馬英九跟國民黨選情的危急程度。從這兩次「廢話」事件相隔時間不到幾天來看,很顯然的,馬英九明年連任的機會已經非常的低,才會讓 2100 裡面這兩位仁兄氣急敗壞,不惜撕破過去維持的表面形象,口不擇言辱罵不同立場的來賓。

    當然,除了「2100 『廢話』指數」之外,這個節目的其他現象也可以用來評估馬英九的選情,例如該節目親馬藍色名嘴的音量大小、以及他們在論述時臉紅脖子粗的程度,這種指標可以稱為「2100 抓狂指數」。從最近一兩個月來每天的 2100 節目看來,這個「2100 抓狂指數」一直在飆升之中,而且隨著宋楚瑜最近正式宣布領表連署,一直到昨天維基解密新聞爆發之後,在昨晚達到了過去以來的最高值。

  5. 真正看了美方使館的電文編寫結構,一個感觸。難怪早期的人類學家,那麼令人詬病。也充分的表達了『結構功能主義』的民族誌真正的作用何在。當人類學家不願在被利用之後,他們把外交官都做了參與觀察的訓練,要這些前線尖兵定期彙報,真正作判別運用的,是坐在DC那些腦袋瓜啊!
