星期五, 11月 27, 2009


For one more walk around the garden
One more stroll along the shore.
One more memory I can dream upon

Until I dream no more. 

For one more time perhaps the dawn will wait
And one more prayer it's not too late

To gather one more rose

Before I say goodbye and close the garden gate.

One more rose before I close the garden gate.

~ One More Walk Around the Garden, from musical “Coco” ~

第一次聽到這首歌時,我就深深地被它的意境所憾動,完全是我掙扎許久的心情寫照。在倫敦時,一個偶然的漫遊進了唱片行,不矜心的翻了翻架上的CD,發現了年老的Julie Andrews灌製的musical精選集。聽她神入的演繹一首又一首著當年精華的心髓,直到這首時,挑起了我至深的情緒,尤其是這兩段歌詞。翻開歌詞簡介,Andrews寫了選唱這首歌的來由:這首歌來自musical“My Fair Lady”的創作者Alan Jay Lerne在70年代初期發表的一個未曾引起共鳴的失敗musical “Coco”,使Julie選唱它的原因不在於讓人重拾起對原劇情的曼妙回憶,是一段真實的悽美愛情——Lerne 在英國西南海角Cornwall擁有一棟閉靜小屋,在他離世多年後,他的夫人才在友人的陪伴下前往處理地產。當一切事務處置妥當後,身為歌舞劇名伶的夫人不禁流連於前庭花圃之間難以離捨,她愛撫著花草唱起這首歌來,到最後一音唱完,關上鐵閘門頭也不回的離開這令她觸景傷情的地方。

我是個多情的行者,對這相對世間的美善提升的取向、動力的驅使,充滿著頻頻回首的不捨情意。多少次要下定決心要 close the garden gate,一個good idea或wonderful project一次次地讓我從觀行者跳下海成執行者,一次次地one more walk, one more rose before closing the garden gate. 啊~~

~~One More Walk Around the Garden

That old April yearning
Once more is returning
And I have a longing to wander.

The leaves may be falling,
But April is calling

And the prim roses beckon me yonder.

For one more walk around the garden
One more stroll along the shore.
One more memory I can dream upon

Until I dream no more. 

For one more time perhaps the dawn will wait
And one more prayer it's not too late

To gather one more rose

Before I say goodbye and close the garden gate.

That old urge is saying

It's time to go straying

Where no one but April can find me.

To try and recover
The heart of a lover

That I left lying somewhere behind me.

Just one more walk around the garden 

One more stroll along the shore.
One more memory I can dream upon

Until I dream no more. 

For one more time perhaps the dawn will wait
And one more prayer it's not too late

To gather one more rose
Before I say goodbye and close the garden gate.

One more rose before I close the garden gate.

